Since the holidays are coming quickly, I thought I would share this article on being safe during celebrations which I found in the December 2009 issue of Parents magazine.
Safe Celebrations
Before you light up the house, take these precautions from Chrissy Cianflone, director of program operations for Safe Kids U.S.A.
-Keep flammable materials, like hanging stockings, at least three feet from an open flame.
-Don't throw your wrapping paper into the fire. It may contain toxic or explosive chemicals.
-Make sure your chimney is cleaned annually and that you have a carbon-monoxide detector.
-Place them (and matches) out of your kids' reach and 12 inches from anything flammable. Blow out candles before leaving the room.
-Never set them on a tablecloth--your child could pull on the bottom and cause an accident.
-The safest bet is to use flameless candles.
-To avoid overloading the voltage, don't connect more than three strands of mini string sets or more than 50 screw in bulbs.
-Choose lights with an independent testing lab seal (look for "UL").
-Never use lights on a metal tree; it's an electrocution hazard.
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