Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tips Tuesday! Organize your life for free (or close to it!)

In the "Live well for less" section of AllYou magazine, August 27, 2010 issue, there are tips on how to organize your lives very cheaply, or even free. Check it out!

Organize your life for free (or close to it!)

Try these no-cost ideas to say on top of cleaning, de-cluttering and maintaining your family's schedule.

Prevent Mail Madness: Taking care of the mail helps cut down on clutter, Keep a five-pocket sorter near your recycling bin, and as soon as the mail comes in, divide it into categories such as bills to pay, RSVPs and papers to file. Then, take all the extra envelopes and junk mail and toss them in the recycling.

Organize with Old Containers: Set aside empty spaghetti sauce and pickle jars to store small loose item such as ribbons, buttons and crayons. This keeps similar odds and ends together, and you can easily see inside the clear jars. Save money and recycle--it's a win-win!

Maintain Your Family Schedule Online: Use cozi.com, a free site, to keep your schedule in order. It also has a shopping list tool, which is great because you can jot down products as you think of them.

Toss Items You Seldom Use: An important part of clearing messes is getting rid of stuff you don't need. Take two laundry baskets around the house. One is for stuff to throw away; one is for donations. Ask yourself, "Have I used this in the past year?" If the answer is no, put it in the basket.

Post Your Calendar in Plain Site: Highlight appointments in different colors for each family member on a calendar and then post it on the fridge. All of your information is in one location so you will never miss deadlines or engagements.

Simplify your Day With a Routine: Assigning tasks to certain days can help. Mondays do the kitchen, and Tuesdays and Wednesdays are bed and bath days. Thursdays do the floors and dusting and Friday is laundry day.

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